Training results at Bavak

Training results at Bavak

August 25, 2022

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Training results at Bavak

Bavak provides custom-made training at various levels to employees to improve their skills to work with X-ray equipment, mobile scan systems or security management systems.

Bavak is convinced of the value of these trainings. Via the anonymous evaluation forms, we received positive feedback of the trainees. Below you find a few quotes that we have collected out of the anonymous evaluation forms.

Reactions to an important question for us: ‘What did you particularly like about this training?’

  • To ask questions and the explanation given when mistakes were made
  • Tips and tricks to make better use of the scans and thereby recognize unwanted materials easier
  • The theory is immediately put into practice
  • Available showroom with example materials and equipment

This is why Bavak offers these trainings, the combination of theory and practice.

Would you like to know more regarding our training possibilities, please contact Danny Reijners or contact Bavak direct at

Below - in Dutch - the comments from trainees. Quotes_training_Bavak_aug_2022.JPG

Contact us for more information

Good security requires expertise. Bavak has been providing the best security worldwide for more than 50 years. If you also want to know how, please contact us.